Contact me

Let’s meet. Let’s talk. Let’s see if we’ll work well together. No charge for our initial meeting and no hard sell.

I'd be happy to meet you and learn about what's going on with you.

Though some therapists start with a first session they charge for, that’s not me. Let’s meet and see if we’re a good fit before we commit to work together. And since it’s not an official session, there is no charge!

Give us a call

562 888 KAIN

email me


Message me

562 888 5246

Connection matters

I believe therapist-client compatibility is crucial to developing a trusting and effective therapeutic relationship between us. Being a “good fit” enhances the likelihood of successful  therapy, making it easier to create open communication and collaboration towards your goals.

Prefer to schedule online?

I aim to make setting up meetings as simple as possible. My online schedule gives you a current list of my appointment openings. You can use my scheduler to request an appointment at a day and time that works best for you.

Learn how to set up a free initial meeting